beBee background
Fauzi Fauzi

Fauzi Fauzi

Professional Data Entry

Teknologi / Internet

Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat


Layanan yang ditawarkan

I am an entrepreneur engaged in providing typing services both offline and online. This business has been running since 2018 until now.

I rely on the internet and computers to generate income. I spend a lot of time in front of the computer online looking for business prospects.

I have fast and accurate typing skills, with a typing speed of 50 words per minute and an accuracy rate of 96%. For more than 10 years of my experience at this typing service, I have typed various documents such as financial statements, project proposals, and legal documents in neat and orderly formats. I am skilled at using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Photoshop and supporting application programs for data entry work.

I complete projects effectively and efficiently by creating detailed work plans, prioritizing important tasks in advance, making careful edits, and performing final tests on documents to ensure they are of good quality. I always deliver work within stipulated time and ensure client satisfaction.

Perkiraan tingkat: Rp150.000 per jam


2018 - 2023                    :  Professional Entry Data

2012 – 2018                   :  Operational Manager

2007- 2012                     :  IT Support


Microsoft Word             

Microsof Excel                




Profesional yang menawarkan layanan serupa dengan Fauzi Fauzi

Profesional dari sektor Teknologi / Internet yang sama dengan Fauzi Fauzi

Profesional yang menawarkan layanan Pemasar Internet

Profesional yang menawarkan layanan Pengetik

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Profesional dari berbagai sektor di dekat Bukittinggi, Sumatera Barat

Pengguna lain yang disebut Fauzi
